Maciej Jankowski
Partner. Specialises mostly in telecommunications law but provides legal support also in the fields of e-commerce and personal data protection law. He has been associated with the telecommunications industry since 2016.
Highlights of his experience include legal support for telecom investments co-financed with public funds. Broad support covered 8 projects (value: PLN 266m). Incidental support covered other investments worth in total several hundred PLN million. He has also prepared or advised on subscriber agreements (terms and conditions) of 15 Polish telecommunications providers with approx. 2.2m subscribers.
Maciej has also handled two precedent-setting cases regarding symmetrical access to physical and in-building infrastructure. In one case, the only repeal of a regulatory decision in Poland was achieved (out of total seven similar cases handled by a few law firms). The second one was the only Polish case ruled by CJEU (case C-243/21).
His track record includes assisting with dozens cases in the field of universal service subsidy for a total amount of PLN 330m. In one precedent-setting case, the payment of PLN 45m was waived in favour of our clients. He has also provided comprehensive legal support of one of the largest chambers of commerce in the telecommunications industry in Poland – PIKE (consultations of dozens of legal acts regarding telecommunications, trainings and webinars for members, workshops with representatives of the administration).
He has provided legal support for non-standard telecommunications activities, like IoT and M2M communication (Sigfox and LoRaWan networks), telecommunication services in prisons, A2P communication. He has also advised on dozens of e-commerce projects, including one of the largest Polish online ticketing services.