
We are a highly specialised law firm advising companies from the media, telecom and new technologies sector. Our experience includes not only many years of business service, but also involvement in the legislative process. Our law-making representation is a daily practice for us. In our practice we provide opportunities, risks but above all specific solutions.

communications law

(R)evolution has already arrived.
And it has changed everything!

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distribution, VOD, broadcasting

Multi-level legal services for broadcasters, operators and suppliers.

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modern technologies

IoT, electronic services / electronic commerce, payment services

Legal advice on the implementation of high-tech projects.

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business succession

nestorzy, sukcesorzy, wspólnicy spółek osobowych i kapitałowych, inwestorzy prywatni, właściciele jednoosobowych działalności gospodarczych

Doradztwo prawne i podatkowe oraz kompleksowa obsługa procesu przekazywania biznesu w ręce kolejnych pokoleń

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consumer, inter-operator, regulations

Comprehensive legal services to telecommunications undertakings based on specific, sectoral and legal requirements.


producers, CMOs

Consultancy and legal services for copyright law and intellectual property protection projects.


NIS2, CER, DORA, essential entity, important entity, national cybersecurity system

Comprehensive legal services for the adaptation of organisations to the requirements of the NIS2 Directive.

Our people

By working with us, you gain access to our unique knowledge and experience. Our undoubted advantage is our active involvement in legislative process and numerous working groups at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, the Ombudsmen for SMEs (Rzecznik MŚP) or the National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT) (including the IoT Working Group, Telecommunications Working Group, Methodological Council for RPD). This allows us to react promptly and prepare our clients for the upcoming changes.

Jakub Woźny

Jakub Woźny

President of the Management Board, partner, attorney-at-law

Sebastian Urban

Sebastian Urban

Partner, attorney-at-law, Barrister of England and Wales (Inner Temple)


contact us

Opening hours: Monday - Friday
from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m

ul. Strzelecka 27/7, 61-846 Poznań

Tax No: 7831841651
National Court Register No: 0000917620